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Welcome to the SoilWise Technical Documentation!

SoilWise Technical Documentation currently consists of the following sections:

  1. Technical Components
  2. APIs
  3. Infrastructure
  4. Glossary
  5. Printable version - where you find all sections composed in one page, that can be easily printed using Web Browser options

Essential Terminology

A full list of terms used within this Technical Documentation can be found in the Glossary. The most essential ones are defined as follows:

  • (Descriptive) metadata: Summary information describing digital objects such as datasets and knowledge resources.
  • Metadata record: An entry in e.g. a catalogue or abstracting and indexing service with summary information about a digital object.

  • Data: A collection of discrete or continuous values that convey information, describing the quantity, quality, fact, statistics, other basic units of meaning, or simply sequences of symbols that may be further interpreted formally (Wikipedia).

  • Dataset: (Also: Data set) A collection of data (Wikipedia).

  • Knowledge: Facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. SoilWise mainly considers explicit knowledge -- Information that is easily articulated, codified, stored, and accessed. E.g. via books, web sites, or databases. It does not include implicit knowledge (information transferable via skills) nor tacit knowledge (gained via personal experiences and individual contexts). Explicit knowledge can be further divided into semantic and structural knowledge:

    • Semantic knowledge: Also known as declarative knowledge, refers to knowledge about facts, meanings, concepts, and relationships. It is the understanding of the world around us, conveyed through language. Semantic knowledge answers the "What?" question about facts and concepts.
    • Structural knowledge: Knowledge about the organisation and interrelationships among pieces of information. It is about understanding how different pieces of information are interconnected. Structural knowledge explains the "How?" and "Why?" regarding the organisation and relationships among facts and concepts.
  • Knowledge resource: A digital object, such as a document, a web page, or a database, that holds relevant explicit knowledge.

Release notes

Date Action
30. 9. 2024 v2.0 Released: For D2.1 Developed & Integrated DM components, v1 D3.1 Developed & Integrated KM components, v1 and D4.1 Repository infrastructure, components and APIs, v1 purposes
30. 9. 2024 Technical Components functionality updated according to first SoilWise repository prototype
27. 8. 2024 APIs section restructured
20. 8. 2024 Knowledge Graph component added
13. 8. 2024 Metadata Authoring component added
1. 7. 2024 Metadata Augmentation component added
30. 4. 2024 v1.0 Released: For D1.3 Architecture Repository v1 purposes
27. 3. 2024 Technical Components restructured according to the architecture from Brugges Technical Meeting
27. 3. 2024 v0.1 Released: Technical documentation based on the Consolidated architecture
10. 2. 2024 Technical Documentation was initialized