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Current version: 0.1.0

Project: pycsw

Access point:

The metadata catalogue is a central piece of the architecture, giving access to individual metadata records. In the catalogue domain, various effective metadata catalogues are developed around the standards issued by the OGC, the Catalogue Service for the Web (CSW) and the OGC API Records, Open Archives Initiative (OAI-PMH), W3C (DCAT), FAIR science (Datacite) and Search Engine community ( For our first iteration we've selected the pycsw software, which supports most of these standards.


The SoilWise prototype adopts a frontend, focusing on:

  • minimalistic User Interface, to prevent a technical feel,
  • paginated search results, sorted alphabetically, by date, see more information in Chapter Query Catalogue,
  • option to filter by facets, see more information in Chapter Query Catalogue,
  • preview of the dataset (if a thumbnail or OGC:Service is available), else display of its spatial extent, see more information in Chapter Display record's detail,
  • option to provide feedback to publisher/author, see more information in Chapter User Engagement,
  • readable link in the browser bar, to facilitate link sharing.

Query Catalogue

The SoilWise Catalogue currently enables the following search options:

50 results are displayed per page in alphabetical order, in the form of overview table comprising preview of title, abstract, contributor, type and date. Search items set through user interface is also reflected in the URL to facilitate sharing.

Fulltext search is currently enabled through the q= attribute. Other queryable parameters are title, keywords, abstract, contributor. Full list of queryables can be found at:

Fulltext search currently supports only nesting words with AND operator.

  • filter by physical soil parameters (soil texture, WRB, soil structure, bulk density, porosity, water holding capacity, soil moisture),
  • filter by chemical soil parameters (ph, organic matter, cation exchange capacity, electrical conductivity, nutrient content, soil carbon, soil nitrogen, soil phosporus, heavy metals concentration),
  • filter by biological soil parameters (microbial biomass, soil enzyme activities, soil fauna, soil respiration),
  • filter by soil functions (soil fertility, water regulation, soil erosion control, carbon sequestration, soil health, supporting plant growth, contaminant filtration),
  • filter by soil degradation indicators (soil erosion, soil compaction, soil salinization, soil acidification, soil contamination),
  • filter by environmental soil functions (habitat for organisms, climate regulation, water filtration),
  • fitler by long-term field experiments (experimental treatments, temporal data, environmental covariates, soil productivity, soil management),
  • filter by record's type (dataset, document, publication, software, services, series).

Future work

  • extend fulltext search; allow complex queries using exact match, OR,...
  • use Full Text Search ranking to sort by relevance.
  • filter by source repository.

Display record's detail

After clicking result's table item, a record's detail is displayed at unique URL address to facilitate sharing. Record's detail currently comprises:

  • record's type tag,
  • full title,
  • full abstract,
  • keywords' tags,
  • preview of record's geographical extent, see Map preview,
  • record's preview image, if available,
  • all other record's items,
  • section enabling User Engagement,
  • last update date.

Future work

  • links section with links to original repository, TBD...,
  • indication of metadata augmentation, such as link liveliness assessment,
  • display metadata augmentation results,
  • display metadata validation results,
  • show relations to other records,
  • better distinguish link types; service/api, download, records, documentation, etc.

Resource preview

SoilWise Catalogue currently supports 3 types of preview:

  • Display resource geographical extent, which is available in the record's detail, as well in the search results list.
  • Display of a graphic preview (thumbnail) in case it is advertised in metadata.
  • Map preview of OGC:WMS services advertised in metadata enables standard simple user interaction (zoom, changing layers).

Data download (AS IS)

Download of data "as is" is currently supported through the links section from the harvested repository. Note, "interoperable data download" has been only a proof-of-concept in the first iteration phase, i.e. is not integrated into the SoilWise Catalogue.

Download of knowledge source "as is" is currently supported through the links section from the harvested repository.

Support catalogue API's of various communities

In order to interact with the many relevant data communities, Soilwise aims to support a range of catalogue standards.

Catalogue Service for the Web

Catalogue service for the web (CSW) is a standardised pattern to interact with (spatial) catalogues, maintained by OGC.

OGC API - Records

OGC is currently in the process of adopting a revised edition of its catalogue standards. The new standard is called OGC API - Records. OGC API - Records is closely related to Spatio Temporal Asset Catalogue (STAC), a community standard in the Earth Observation community.

Protocol for metadata harvesting

The open archives initiative has defined a common protocol for metadata harvesting (oai-pmh), which is adopted by many catalogue solutions, such as Zenodo, OpenAire, CKAN. The oai-pmh endpoint of Soilwise can be harvested by these repositories. annotiations

Annotiations using ontology enable search engines to harvest metadata in a structured way.

User Engagement

Collecting users feedback provides an important channel on the usability of described resources. Users can even support each other by sharing the feedback as 'questions and answers'. For this purpose every display of a record is concluded with a feedback section where users can interact about the resource. Users need to authenticate to provide feedback.

Future work

Notify the resource owners of incoming feedback, so they can answer any questions or even improve their resource.


pycsw is a catalogue component offering an HTML frontend and query interface using various standardised catalogue APIs to serve multiple communities. Pycsw, written in python, allows for the publishing and discovery of geospatial metadata via numerous APIs (CSW 2/CSW 3, OpenSearch, OAI-PMH, SRU), providing a standards-based metadata and catalogue component of spatial data infrastructures. pycsw is Open Source, released under an MIT license, and runs on all major platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X).

pycsw is deployed as a docker container from the official docker hub repository. Its configuration is updated at deployment. Some layout templates are overwritten at deployment to facilitate a tailored HTML view.


The SWR catalogue component will show its full potential when integrated to (1) Harvester, (2) Storage of metadata, (3) Metadata Augmentation and Metadata Validation.